November 17, 2009

Let the Wild Rumpus Start!

I know, I know, Where the Wild Things Are overload, but it's always been a favorite of mine, and just because it's been made a movie and there has been major hype over it I will not stop loving it. :)

Where to start...

Working my final co-op (six month internship) has been good, and they've kept me busy for the most part, but every now and then I find that I have downtime. During this downtime I've found that Google News is a good place to try and keep myself somewhat informed as to what is going on in the "world" though I tend to stick to the Sci/Tech, Entertainment, and U.S. groups. In the Entertainment section I came across someone who writes for the Huffington Post, who has an amazing blog, and from there found a few more, and on top of that I just finished Julie & Julia, so I'm feeling inspired, and decided that a good creative output for me might be a blog, so here I am.

Once upon a time I had a live journal. I couldn't tell you what I put in it, probably the drama of my life as a middle school and high school student. Nothing really worth reading now, maybe not even then, but for those days where I just had to get something off my chest, it was the perfect place to go. So I'm going to try and start fresh with this blog, for the ability to share those inner monologues I come up with but then never share with anyone because there just isn't the right place to do so. Sure, I have a facebook account, but people who have friended me don't necessarily want to read accounts of what I did with my day, or something that struck me as amusing in depth. Facebook is for those brief tidbits of people you think you should be keeping up with, but either they really aren't that close of a friend of yours, or you're just too lazy to keep in touch properly. I also have a twitter, but at 140 characters, what I really feel I need to put out there isn't going to fit.

So welcome to my blog. I can't promise I'll be witty or creative. I also cannot promise perfect spelling and grammar (spelling will probably be better when I'm posting from a computer that has something other than IE6 as the browser). But I can tell you this will be my place for words, thoughts, and possibly some pictures.

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